Monday, February 26, 2007


That was me about 15 minutes ago. God hit me in the head with a 2x4. I just was not paying attention to what He was trying to get me to do. Currently we have Comcast cable, the digital service with OnDEmand, or rather On Occasion since that is about when it works. I am always looking for ways to lower our monthly bills, and had always been under the impression that I could not switch to the Dish Network because of our location and sticking with Comcast was our only choice. Anyone who lives where we live, probably recieves something called Mint Magazine. This comes with ads for local businesses and coupons for things. The most recent one had an ad for Dish Network. As far as I knew, Comcast and Dish were the two cable networks in town. The ad for Dish was very enticing and a good deal less than Comcast. I have always hated paying what we pay. So I called. The first person I talked to, went through my options with me, ran my info and told me I was approved no problem! But because someone else was using our home number for their account so they sent me to someone else. At which point I was told I was NOT approved, and would have to buy the system for $249. But we could restart my husbands account no problem. But oh wait, the leasing offer was not eligible to re-activate. I would have to PURCHASE the equipment anyways. All this to save about $40 a month. I got disconnected several times. I think that was the first WHACK! I called back. They had no knowledge of my husbands account being reactivated. GGGGRRRRR!!!! WHACK!!! HELLO! HEY YOU, I AM TRYING TO TALK TO YOU!!!! I'm sorry, God, could you hold on a sec, I am trying to save some money here. I called AGAIN.
The guy I talked to still didn't know what was going on: "You were approved, and then not approved with the same info? You want to purchase? You do know its cheaper from Radio Shack, right?"
Me: "Ummm, no, does Best Buy carry it too?"
Guy:"Oh sure, go purchase it and then call us back"

I can do that. So I called Best Buy. No, they only carry Directv. I am sorry, "Whats that?" Thats not the Dish Network, for those of you who are as clueless as I am. And the cost for a reciever? $49.
I called Radio Shack. $99 for a Dish Network reciever. Now, which sounds better to you?? I am still thinking I need to purchase a reciever.

Now, our phone company is Bellsouth, and that is also who I have DSL through. And I KNEW that if I had the Dish Network, I could bundle and save more money. That was my goal anyways. So I called Bellsouth, thinking of course I was going to be told to purchase the reciever and get set-up. They bundle with Directv. Thats right. I finally heard my Heavenly Father gently tap me on the shoulder and whisper,"Thats what I was trying to tell you..." Oh, and because I am in good standing with Bellsouth, I was already approved and they are coming on Saturday to install. And will pay less than $40 a month for our cable, because I bundled services and stopped being so stubborn.

God cares about our finances! I know He does, and all that time he was trying to tell me this was a better deal, stop trying to get the Dish Network, I have something better for you. Good thing I eventually listened to Him before I spent over $150 trying to SAVE money!!


alisonwonderland said...

it's amazing that we can be so stubborn sometimes in trying to do what we think should happen when God has something better in mind!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Wow, that was a lot of work, but it sounds like it has all worked out. We are in a similar boat, and I guess we need to check. We have Comcast and our internet through them, but my hubby is not that satisfied with them. I guess I need to call BellSouth and see about switching the phone, internet and getting DirectTV rather than Comcast. Your cable programming through DirectTV is less than 40 a month? Does that include hi-def channels? That's a biggie for us, since we got our new TV. The hubs INSISTS on it! :)

So glad they are coming out soon, and let us know if you have any problems. I'm so glad you will be saving money and getting a better deal!