Friday, February 16, 2007

Bawling Like A Baby...

Usually with a title like that, I would assume it would be about someones child, however, this was ME, last night. I am sure that we all have our favorite TV shows, shows that we wait anxiously for every week. I have a couple that I enjoy watching, some I don't like to miss. I have never felt so emotional watching one, as I do Greys Anatomy. Which is why I think it deserves a post. Many, many moons ago, I was a diehard fan of ER. I watched it faithfully when it premiered. Probably up until a couple of years ago, I got bored and they kept replacing characters. So when Greys Anatomy premiered, I jumped on board.
For those of you who have not been watching Greys Anatomy, this is an amazing show, great storylines, and characters worth watching, and no, I am not just talking about McDreamy! Although, he is really cute...
So back to last night, maybe I can chalk it up to pregnancy hormones, or the fact that I miss my hubby, who will be home next week. Greys Anatomy is in the middle of a 3 part storyline and it looks like they are KILLING off the main character and narrator Meredith. She got knocked off the pier last week, after a horrific ferry boat crash. So they basically let her float for a week! McDreamy of course pulled her out, hypothermic and blue. They spent the last 30 minutes of the show trying to revive her and warm her back up. All the interns were crying and I was sitting on the couch BAWLING like a BABY!! Terrible. I am glad no one was there to witness me sniffing and wiping my eyes on my sleeve. And now I have to wait till next week to see if they really killed off the main star or are going to bring her back at the last minute. You know, this is why I am watching Alias on DVD! No waiting!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I know!! I'm with you on this one...what are they thinking?? I can't imagine they'd kill her off because really she is the main girl lead of the show but gosh does it ever make for a good storyline. Next week can't get here fast enough...the wait is going to kill ME!!! LOL