Eleven days people. Eleven days. Thats how long we have before we load em up and head em out. The kiddos and I managed to get through the weekend, which was really just a reprieve before the crazy begins. I had a Wedding I coordinated yesterday afternoon. It was a spur of the moment deal. The bride had called me the previous weekend, and I had stated I was available. Then a few days passed and I hadn't heard from her so I assumed either she had gone another direction or decided to just do it herself. Not the case. Thursday evening around, Oh, 10pm she called and claimed me and my services for her wedding day. Taking place 4 days later. Usually I am not one to take clients less than 6 weeks out, but I was promised it would be simple, I wouldn't even have to do the timeline. NEVER AGAIN. I won't go into a whole lot of detail here, I am saving that for a book someday.... But things did NOT go as planned. It was crazy from beginning to end. I felt like I was stuck in a bad movie, and was trying to direct everything with ear plugs and a blind fold.
Today a lot of time was spent figuring out logistics, changing our address, and making an appointment to have a tow hitch installed on our Durango. The Navy is moving us, in fact someone is coming out tomorrow morning to do a walk-through. However, we are getting a small enclosed trailer from U-Haul, (are they the ONLY company you can rent those from??) so we can take some things we don't want to worry about getting broke. I have a FULL tea service, and hubby and I have an extensive collection of Wedgwood. Plus clothes, bedding, the beloved Kitchenaid Mixer, and a few other things we decided we just couldn't live without for 2 weeks.
Next on the list, planning a 1yr birthday party for The Princess before we leave. Am I insane? I'd say there is a pretty good chance I am! So on top of preparing to move, I need to pick up party accessories, finish the High Chair Tu-Tu I am making for the party, as well as make all the food for it.
Here is the Menu:
Mini Chicken Turnovers
ooey gooey cookies
Monster Cookies
flowerpot desserts, flowers for girls, gummy worms for boys
Spinach Artichoke dip with pita chips/or tostitos
Cheese crackers
veggie tray
baby burgers on baguettes
Now you have to realize that I am doing all of this while hubby is gone to the Virgin Islands with his ship. You know to celebrate the 4th of July. There may even be a parade. There is no bitterness at all here. I love being the one who is single handedly organizing a move and planning a birthday party all while caring for our darling completely well behaved children. Oh wait, nope thats not me! Ok deep breath, going to my happy place... white beaches, crystal blue water, a cruise ship in the background, hard to tell... the sun is in my eyes, is that Royal Caribbean? US Navy?
Ahhh, I joke. I know its not hubby's fault. My opinion of the Navy has seen better days, but I am very thankful for all the ways God has blessed us, and part of that has been through the military and its benefits. I have an awesome hubby, a great marriage, and 3 healthy and sweet children. So while I may vent in anger sometimes, I know that God has placed us in this life for now, and for a reason.
1 comment:
Wow! You ARE one busy woman. I hope you are able to get a little help here and there. And, I'm totally going to read your book when it comes out, cause I want to hear all about that wedding... tee hee.
Happy Moving and Happy Early Birthday to Princess!
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