So much changes in a short amount of time, I have since my last post started school! I am pretty excited about this new adventure. For one thing, it gets me out of the house for something that is just mine. What am I going to school for you might ask? Cosmetology! Wow, I bet that came of out left field for you all. I know, I know, what happened to the Event Planning, and opening my own bakery. Those goals are not gone, just put to the side to make room for what will add into the bigger picture in the future. I have always dreamed of having an all in one Event Planning, with a lot of things in house. So my thoughts are to have a Salon with a Bakery/Cafe attached. I always get hungry when I have to sit for 1,2 or even 3 hours getting a service done, how great would it be to be able to order a snack or lunch from under the dryer? And Event Planning, well that fits right in.
The boys are thoroughly enjoying school this year, and I am so proud of them. My oldest is reading spectacularly and really doing well in all his subjects, while Middle Boy is having a ton of fun in Kindergarten. He has of course acquired a new girlfriend this year. So fickle that one! But he has declared his undying love for now, and the promise of 100 kittens if she will marry him. She has accepted so I guess we better figure out where we are getting those kittens or work out a payment plan!
The Princess and I are enjoying some Mommy/daughter time. This is new territory for us, since one of her brothers has always been around. Its an adjustment to say the least! All in all though, I do enjoy her. She is super funny and full of personality. And nothing makes her happier then prancing around in a princess dress and bossing me around! She is a hard one to put in her place. How on earth do they learn to talk back at the tender age of 3?!?
So I believe I promised some pics from the Dragon Bash of 2010, and while I am a few months behind, late is better then never!