Wednesday, March 14, 2007

WFMW First time!

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I am sure this is incredibly cheesy of me, but I FINALLY have something for WFMW! And when I realized I did, I was so excited to play along. My hubby wanted me to wait until next week since it is already 10pm here, but OH WELL!! You can check out more ideas at Shannons place.

Since I have become the coupon clipping Queen in my house, I also like to save the coupons for some of the places we like to eat out at every now and then. Not that we only eat at places that take coupons, but hey, I like to save money where we can in our seemingly never-ending journey out of debt. However, I am incredibly absentminded (I call it Mom-brain!) and without fail, never bring them with me. And usually when we do eat out, its very spur of the moment. So Monday, on our way to grocery shop, we had been running errands most of the day. And yes, I was clipping coupons in the car while my dh was driving. Maybe not the brightest idea, but I needed it done. I was getting ready to cut up the Quizno's coupons, and there were so many of them I didn't really feel like it. I was sitting there trying to think how to fold it to stick it in my coupon organizer, when my HUBBY, yes thats right everyone, my hubby had a BRILLIANT idea! He suggested that I get a folder, gather all the restaurant coupons from the house and keep them in the folder in the car! Genius! Now all my restaurant coupons are neatly stashed in a bright stripey folder, within easy access for any craving my little heart desires! And that my friends, Works For ME!!!


Laura said...

Your hubby is a smart man. I do this too...I love not having to worry about one more thing to grab as I'm heading out the door or saying drats when I get somewhere and don't have my coupons. I just grab them from the van.


Marcia Francois said...

Hi Poshmama

I love the look of your blog!

Welcome to your first WFMW - be prepared to be reading for hours on end. LOL

Good idea with coupons.


Anonymous said...

That is a fabulous idea! I used to be really good at cutting out coupons and using them. I have to say I have slacked off in this department. But, I should really start up again. I have a lot of coupons for diapers and I always forget to take them with me, duh! I'll just have to put them in the car now! Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Uh, I don't know what happened with my comment! Did you get it? Well for some reason I didn't get my name on it, but it sent it anyway. Atleast I think it did!

Mom2fur said...

I put my fast-food, etc. coupons in envelopes, but I never thought about leaving a whole folder of them in the car! Wow, is your husband a smart guy!

Anonymous said...

That is a great idea! Good for your genius hubby!

Kara said...

Good idea! We always forget about those coupons, they sit in our end table for months not being used.